Monday, April 25, 2011

Currently …. (Thanks Eat.Drink.Be A Tourist!!)

Current guilty pleasure: McDonalds…..ugh its SOOOO bad for me but I LOVE IT!

Current color: Pink

Current playlist: Sugarland…..I <3 Sugarland!!

Current read: Hubby and I are reading a book together called Plant Backpacker

Current drink: Hornsby's Cider


Current food: Tortilla Chips and Quacamole

Current favorite show: Nada…no tv in our house

Current wish list: More Clients!!

Current needs: More Clients!

Current triumphs: More Clients! (just never seems to be enough!)

Current celebrity crush: Matthew Mcconaughey

Current indulgence: SLEEP!!! I love naps!

Current blessing: Lots of work coming my way!

Current outfit: Sweats, Hubby's t-shirt

Current excitement: Vaca to Tampa next week!!

Current mood: good. Excited for what is to come!



  1. I totally know what you mean about sleep - I'm almost addicted recently. It feels SO good when you wake up and just feel good because you got enough sleep. And vacation to Tampa! How exciting - can't wait to see pictures!

  2. Those Horbsby's look good...

    ...and Matthew's not looking to shabby either! :)`


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